segunda-feira, 29 de outubro de 2012


You’re one of a cohort of Russian street-style stars. Why do you think Russians are the It girls on the blogs right now?
Eh, we’re the new thing. You know how fashion is—there’s always got to be a new look, a new idea, a new story. For a moment, street-style blogs were the new thing; now they have to look for a new thing. So today it’s Russians.

Do you think there’s a distinctively Russian sense of style?
I think Russia is still figuring out its style. Look at the history—we had cultural stagnation for like, 75 years. And in the Soviet Union, it really was, you had to wait outside in the cold to buy toilet paper. That scene in Moscow on the Hudson, that was a real thing. So in the 1990s, when we discovered oil, and this sheik era of Russia began, of course everyone wanted to buy the most expensive things. And they wanted to show off. I was a kid when this was going on, but I remember a rich woman saying to me, Listen, if you want to buy Versace, you make sure you buy something with a big logo, because otherwise, it’s a waste of money. Even later, at the beginning of the 2000s, I can remember going to into bars in Moscow and seeing at least five girls wearing the same Dolce & Gabbana logo jeans.

Now, Russians are more educated about fashion, and people with money, they want something unique. Unique and discreet. A couture suit, maybe. If it’s one of a kind, they’ll spend for that. And also now, there are different ways to be stylish. I mean, there’s always a woman in Russia who, you know, she’s got a rich husband who doesn’t know about fashion but who buys all her clothes, and he wants her to look sexy. And there are these girls, and some of them look really great, I must say, who are the daughters of very rich men, and they buy whole looks from Céline or Proenza. They want to look super-cool. And there are also the fashion professionals, who travel for work, and who know the little vintage places in Paris or London, and they mix and match a lot of things.

Do you like getting photographed for street-style blogs? I feel like it would stress me out. I mean, how much time do you spend putting together your fashion week outfits?
Donna Karan said if it takes you more than 20 minutes to get dressed, then you’ve got a problem. I live by that. I won’t spend a lot of time planning my outfits, even at fashion week. But I don’t have to—I mean, my talent in life is, I have a good imagination to put together an outfit. I’m not the most beautiful girl, I don’t write poems, I don’t make music, I’m not the best tennis player, but I can create a look, you know?

Has the attention changed the way you dress?
Yeah…Sometimes I’ll do a crazy outfit I know fashion people will appreciate, but then I look at myself and think, wow, if my husband saw me now, he’d say, are you OK? In my normal life, I mostly wear, like, jeans. Simple things.

Do you own everything you wear that gets shot for the blogs?
I probably shouldn’t say this, but a lot of my clothes are borrowed. I’m sure people look at me and think, Pfff, this girl, she’s just a silly girl with a credit card with no limit. But that’s not true! Maybe no designer will loan to me now…I mean, isn’t the whole point that girls think I bought the dress from so-and-so, so they go out and buy that dress?

So I went to look at your Web site, Buro 24/7, but it’s in Russian. Looks good, but what is it? 
Buro is a news site that provides quality information on fashion, art, architecture, culture, books, social life. Basically it’s a source that keeps you posted on everything interesting that happens in the world—the kind of stuff you can talk about with people you don’t really know, after you’ve talked about the weather.

Any plans to expand outside of Russia?
We already have! We recently launched, by license, a European edition based in Croatia, and we’re planning to open a London office very soon and start an English edition. Plus there’s a Middle East version I already have partners for, and we hope to do an Asian version of Buro, and so on.

I mean this kindly: You really don’t look like the mastermind of an international media empire. Like, you’re very cute.
Thank you.

Speaking of cute Russian girls out to change the world…
Are you going to ask me about Pussy Riot?

Well, they’ve really become a cause célèbre in the West. But I have a sneaking suspicion that opinions are different inside Russia. What’s your take?
My opinion is that these are very stupid girls. OK, so they have problems with the president—no president is perfect. But what did they change? Who did they help? How did they improve the situation in Russia? All they did was start an argument. And offend and humiliate people who believe in God. That’s it. I do a lot of charity work, there are many orphans in Russia who need help, so it’s not like all I see is rich people and fashion. I know there are things in this country that could be better. But this…Ugh. You know, people who say, oh, Pussy Riot is so great—I feel like, they don’t know what’s happening in Russia, they don’t know how Russians think, what they’ve experienced. I’d love to ask some of these people, who love Pussy Riot, if they can tell me anything else—any single thing—about the political situation in Russia today. I’d be very surprised if many people took the time to find out more about what’s happening. These girls aren’t even in jail! It’s not even—how do you call it?—house arrest.

So I guess you’ve got some opinions about this whole thing.
Everyone in Russia has an opinion. [Sighs.] Look, I love America. Everyone’s so kind and positive. They don’t know what it’s like in Russia—I mean, this is a silly example, but if you look at comments on street-style blogs, in Russia it’s all ugly. There’s a lot of envy. But in the States, you know, there’s some of that but there’s also people making compliments. You never get a compliment in Russia. So you have to understand with these girls, these stupid girls, that what they did was triple the negativity.

Anything you’re particularly looking forward to for Fashion’s Night Out? Are you a big Tesla Boy fan?
I just like that there’s this event to celebrate shopping. Sometimes I feel, men really are lucky—they’re strong, they don’t get pregnant, they can sleep with many women, and no one cares—but women, they have fashion. We have this pleasure, to go shopping and play with beautiful clothes, and no one ever takes it seriously but it’s important, you know? Russia, for more than 70 years, we didn’t get to shop. We didn’t have fashion. So maybe we appreciate this idea more than most people.

Interview courtesy of


sábado, 27 de outubro de 2012


Olá minhas abobrinhas! Hehe já estou com espírito de Halloween. Ao longo destas semanas tenho feito alguns posts de Halloween. E hoje vou mostrar como fiz a minha abóbora  e como decorei a entrada da minha casa.  O que vocês necessitam , uma abóbora bonita, facas, uma colher e flores para decorar no fim. Sim flores, fiz uma abóbora menina hehe. E depois escolhem um belo lugar para por a vossa abóbora  e não se esqueçam de por a vela para assustar os maus espíritos a noite uahuahuah. Espero que tenham gostado da minha abóbora menina e mostrem-me as vossas ideias! 

Hello my zucchinis! Hehe I am already with the spirit of Halloween. Throughout these weeks I have done a few posts Halloween. And today I will show how I made my pumpkin, and how decorate the entry of my house. What you need, a beautiful pumpkin, knives, a spoon and flowers to decorate at the end. Yes flowers, I made a pumpkin girl hehe. Then choose a beautiful place to put your aboboara, and do not forget to sail to scare the evil spirits at night uahuahuah. I hope you enjoyed my pumpkin girl and show me your ideas!

sexta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2012


Olá meus amores! Muitos planos para o fim de semana? Bem o meu vai ser a ver uns bons filmes, e a trabalhar num projecto. E este fim se semana vai ser daqueles dias que queremos estar bem confortáveis  E para aqueles que vão ter um fim de semana como o meu, não fiquem tristes, trago algo para vos animar. FUNNY SWEATERS, quentes, confortáveis e muito engraçadas para animar estes dias cinzentos. O que acham? A minha Funny Sweater favorita sem duvida alguma é a camisola do Mickey. Ela tem umas orelhas como as dele!!! Não é o máximo? Bem, são todas maravilhosas, as dos coelhinhos, aquela com o cãozinho, todas perfeitas para animar e aquecer o vosso fim de semana. Ah agora querem saber onde podem comprar? Podem comprar, na CLOTHINGLOVES, e querem saber o melhor de tudo? Os preços são bem baixos. Espero que tenham gostado das minhas escolhas e que tenha animado um bocadinho do vosso fim de semana. 

Hello my lovelies! Many plans for the weekend? Well my view is going to be a good film, and working on a project. And if this week will be the end of the day we want to be very comfortable. And for those who are going to have a weekend like mine, do not be sad, I bring you something to cheer. FUNNY SWEATERS, warm, comfortable and very funny to liven up these gray days. What do you think? My Favorite Funny Sweater is without doubt the jersey of Mickey. She has ears like his!! How cool is that? Well, they are all wonderful, the bunnies, the one with the dog, all perfect to liven up and warm your weekend. Ah now want to know where they can buy? Can buy in CLOTHINGLOVES, and want to know the best part? The prices are very low. I hope you enjoyed my choices and has animated a little bit of your weekend. 
Have fun!

quarta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2012


Olá meus amores! É só impressão minha, ou o tempo está mesmo um pouco estranho? Bem, mas já comecei a usar camisolas quentes e tenho conjugado com, leggings com padrões. Gosto de combinar camisolas simples com leggings mais atrevidas. Nesta estação, vou usar e abusar das leggings com ou sem padrão, e já tenho umas quantas na minha wish list. 
Quero tanto umas de veludo!!! 
E vocês gostam de leggings?

Hello my lovelies! It's just my impression, or even the weather is a bit weird? Well, but I started wearing warm sweaters and have combined with patterned leggings. I like to combine simple sweaters with leggings more cheeky. In this season, I will use and abuse the leggings with or without pattern, and I already have a few on my wish list. 
I want so much some of velvet!! 
And you like leggings?

terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2012


Olá meus amores! Como está a ser a vossa semana? Bem, mais um Halloween post. Espero que gostem, como já sabem, eu adoro. Já vos dei ideias para a decoração da casa, umas mais simples e outras bem engraçadas para aqueles que querem fazer uma festa de Halloween. E agora vem a parte das unhas, tal como na decoração da casa, escolhi umas mais simples e outras mais difíceis  mas muito engraçadas. As minhas favoritas são as ultimas, cor de laranja com abobora. E qual é a vossa manicure de Halloween favorita? 

Hello my lovelies! How is being your week? Well, another Halloween post. Hope you enjoy, as you know, I love. I have given you ideas for decorating the home, some simple and others very funny for those who want to make a Halloween party. And now comes the part of the nails, as in home decor, I chose some simple and others more difficult, but very funny. My favorite are the last, with orange pumpkin. And what is your favorite Halloween manicure?

quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2012


Olá meus amores! Também já aderiram a uma das grandes tendências desta estação? O verde tropa ou para ser mais especifica o estilo militar. Acho que é uma cor perfeita para o Outono-Inverno, podemos combinar com quase todas as cores, desde o simples branco, cinzento  preto ate ao vermelho e laranja. E para quem acha que não, podemos sempre combinar com peças mais femininas. O estilo militar não é só para os mais descontraídos, também podem ser looks muito chics e glamorosos  Desde o estampado ou o camuflado, com cortes, sempre combinados com detalhes femininos, como por exemplo, cintos, joias, aplicações, enfim tudo é permitido. E vocês o que acham desta tendência? E se adoraram as peças que vos mostrei, podem adquirir aqui na Clothingloves. Espero que tenham gostado. 

Hello my lovelies! Also have joined one of the big trends this season? The army green or to be more specific military style. I think it's a perfect color for autumn-winter, we can combine with almost any color from simple white, gray, black to red and even orange. And for those who think not, we can always combine with more feminine pieces. The military style is not just for the most Relaxed, also can be very chics and glamorous looks. Since the stamped or camouflaged, with cuts, always combined with feminine details, such as belts, jewelry, applications, everything is permitted. And what do you think of this trend? And if you loved the pieces that I showed you, can acquire here in Clothingloves. I hope you enjoyed. 
Have fun!

domingo, 14 de outubro de 2012







Bom Domingo meus queridos! Há uns tempos atrás mostrei-vos as tendências de vernizes, deste Outono-Inverno. Hoje venho vos mostrar as tendências de maquilhagem para esta estação. Começando pelo azul bem vivo, tudo é permitido nesta cor, desde sombras, rimeis e eyeliners. Continuando a falar em eyeliners, as formas geométricas são um it desta estação. E de volta estão, as sobras escuras, para nos dar um ar dramático  e não são só em tons pretos, mas também em castanho, burgandy, verdes, bem, uma vasta palete de cores escuras. Agora vem das minhas tendências preferidas para está estação, e a qual eu já uso mais. Lábios Burgundy(cor de vinho), uma cor maravilhosa. E para quem adora a cor como eu, mas que não gosta de exageros, o melhor é combinar com uma sombra clara. E por fim vem as sobrancelhas grossas, que também é uma das tendências que mais adoro. Também sou um pouco suspeita. E é uma tendência que requer muito trabalho. Apesar de eu as ter grossas, desde pequena, também já as tive mais finas. Mas agora voltei as  minhas sobrancelhas grossas. Há pessoas que pensam que não dá trabalho, mas dá, para ficarem com um ar de bem cuidadas, com a forma certa, e que cresçam na direcção correcta, é preciso muitos cuidados.
Espero que tenham gostado? 

Good Sunday my dears! Some time ago I showed you the trends of varnish of this Autumn Winter. Today I show you the makeup trends for this season. Starting with the bright blue, everything is allowed in this color, since shadows, mascaras and eyeliners. Continuing to speak in eyeliners, geometric shapes are a it this season. And back are the remains dark, to give us a dramatic air, and not just for blacks, but also in brown, burgandy, green, well, an extensive palette of dark colors. Now comes of my favorite trends for this season, and that I already use more. Burgundy lips, a wonderful color. And for those who love the color like me, but not like excesses, the best is best to combine with a light shade. And finally comes the bold brows, which is also one of the trends that I  most love. I'm also a bit suspicious. And it's a trend that requires a lot of work. Although I have them thick, since childhood, have already had them thinner. But now I'm back to my thick eyebrows. There are people who think they not give labor, but gives, to stay with an air of well groomed, with the right shape, and to grow in the right direction, it takes a lot of care.
Hope you liked it?

sábado, 13 de outubro de 2012


Bom dia meus amores! Muitos planos para este Sábado  Aproveitem, porque está um sol radiante. Bem, como já alguns de vocês já sabem adoro o Halloween, mas o que adoro mais nele, é fazer a decoração de casa e centros de mesa. Por isso trago-vos aqui algumas das minhas escolhas. Hoje as minhas abóboras também vão ser cortadas, querem ver? Depois mostro-vos. Espero que tenham gostado das minhas escolhas. Divirtam-se!

Good morning my lovelies! Many plans for this Saturday? Enjoy it, because it is a radiant sun. Well, as some of you already know I love Halloween, but what I love most on it, is to make the home decor and table centerpieces. So I bring you here some of my choices. Today my pumpkins also will be cut, want to see? Then I show you. I hope you enjoyed my choices. 
Have fun!

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